Styrofoam-Roller Training Progressions

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Annette Lang
81 minutes
Styrofoam-Roller Training Progressions presents a detailed review of how Styrofoam-roller exercises can safely and effectively be incorporated into a productive physical-training program. Featuring step-by-step instructions for performing self-myofascial release, the DVD explains and demonstrates Styrofoam-roller progressions for developing core stability, dynamic balance, and proprioception.

Among the topics covered:
  • Self-myofascial release for the gluteals, piriformis, IT band, calves, peroneals, tensor fascia lateal hip flexors, quadriceps, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, upper-middle back, and lats
  • Exercising to "open up" the anterior muscles to help improve posture
  • Progressions for core stability, dynamic balance, and proprioception for the entire kinetic chain
  • How to incorporate Styrofoam-roller exercises into the existing physical-training program
Produced in cooperation with the American Council on Exercise.