Fostering Member Apostles and Advocates-Cultivating a Club Environment That Engenders Member Loyalty and Advocacy

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Now: $27.50
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Stephen Tharrett & Mark Williamson
162 minutes
Fostering Member Apostles and Advocates-Cultivating a Club Environment ThatEngenders Member Loyalty and Advocacy points out how important the memberexperience is in health/fitness clubs and discusses the impact of creating loyalmembers. The DVD recommends a framework for better understanding loyalty andadvocacy-measure collectively defined as the “member value equation.” The DVDalso explains how a member's experience in the club leads to loyalty and advocacy,as well as details how clubs can measure both factors. Furthermore, the DVD looksat how clubs can prioritize and leverage the drivers of both factors.

Among the topics covered:
  • What does loyalty and advocacy look like?
  • Defining the member value equation
  • The member experience relationship
  • The experience creates loyalty and advocacy
  • Prioritizing & leveraging the drivers
  • Getting to member loyalty and advocacy
  • Member loyalty and advocacy concluding insights