
Attracting and Retaining Clients- Secrets to Know for Business Success

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Now: $27.50
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Nicki Anderson
104 minutes
Customer service is one of those areas in business that is commonly overlooked. Attracting and Retaining Clients-Secrets to Know for Business Success explains why exceptional customer service serves as the core foundation of a solid business. The DVD looks at the need to understand the buying behavior of individuals and outlines what great companies do with regard to satisfying their customers. The DVD also details 10 proven customer service secrets that can help personal trainers achieve positive growth in their business.

Among the topics covered:

• So what is customer service?
• Understand your customers' buying behavior
• What great companies do
• Broken promises
• Alienating customers
• Pay attention to the return of investment for your customer service initiative
• 10 customer service secrets
• What every business owner must know