Working to Become a Health Delivery Partner-A European Perspective

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Now: $27.50
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David Stalker
168 minutes
Working to Become a Health Delivery Partner-A European Perspective discusses what is being done in the United Kingdom to help turn the tide of inactivity. In that regard, the DVD explains the value of utilizing the latest innovations in technology to encourage and support people to become more physically active. The DVD also outlines three specific ways that the health/ fitness club industry can have a positive impact on the health of individuals. In addition, the DVD reviews why it is absolutely necessary that club professionals, programs, and facilities are prepared as public health tools.

Among the topics covered: 

• Turning the tide of inactivity 
• Utilize the latest innovation technology to support people to become more active 
• To play an active role in supporting children and young people 
• To provide a willing partner to the community sport sector 
• To establish the European activity sector as a priority sector for public and private investment 
• Ensure that our professionals, programmes, and facilities are prepared as public health tools