
Partnering With Parents: Making Your Parent Satisfaction Dreams Come True

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Meredith Cambre
55 minutes
Without question, every camp staff member would rather spend summer dealing with parent compliments, rather than parent complaints. On the other hand, while all staff members are aware that they should cultivate partnerships with parents, the question arises concerning how can they make time for such a pie-in-the-sky undertaking, given the fact that they have a million other camp details to address. Partnering With Parents: Making Your Parent Satisfaction Dreams Come True offers real, proven strategies in a five-step process for turning parents into the staff's biggest allies.

Among the topics covered:

• Setting the tone
• Parent panel
• Parent letters
• Parent letters: good vs. bad
• Parents as experts
• Addressing parent concerns
• Get parents involved