
How to Get Quality Results With Submaximal Cycle Ergometer Fitness Tests

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Now: $27.50
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William G. Herbert
87 minutes
Submaximal cycle ergometer fitness testing is increasingly popular in health/fitness facilities due to its ease of use and the modest investment in the equipment needed for conducting this test. There are numerous factors that have the potential to reduce the quality of information obtained in the most popular forms of the test. How to Get Quality Results With Submaximal Cycle Ergometer Fitness Tests assumes a basic familiarity with the YMCA and Astrand-Rhyming cycle ergometer protocols, which are based on steady-state, heart-rate responses. In-depth information is presented on ways that the health/fitness professional can perform the test to emphasize maximal useful information, technical precision, and the elimination of error factors.

Among the topics covered:
  • Key points of test design and controlling for workload errors
  • Assuring heart-rate steady-rate for best accuracy in predicting cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Key physical and perceptual measurements
  • How to increase precision and minimize sources of error
  • Using test results to their best advantage in client assessment and programming
Produced in cooperation with the American College of Sports Medicine.