Exertional Compartment Syndrome-Current Research, Controversies, and Future Direction

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Now: $52.50
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Peter Seidenberg, Anthony Beutler, Anthony Delaney, Wes Zimmermann
76 minutes
Chronic exertional compartment syndrome is a diagnosis shrouded under much controversy. Unfortunately, little evidenced-based medicine exists to assist in the accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of athletes with this cause of lower leg pain. In fact, much of the diagnosis and treatment of CECS to date has been based upon expert opinion and case series. Exertional Compartment Syndrome-Current Research, Controversies, and Future Direction addresses a number of key areas involving CECS, including epidemiologic factors that predispose individuals to CECS, evidence-based diagnostic criteria for CECS, and the role of venous compression in the pathophysiology, as well as novel treatment methods for CECS.