Is There Anybody Who Can Teach Me How to Read? Practical Strategies for Dramatically Improving Student Learning

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A number of efforts have been made, on part of teachers and administrators, increase the likelihood that all students experience success to the best of their individual abilities. On the other hand, a number of teachers are indicating that they are feeling extremely frustrated, because they are not getting enough return on their investment of time, resources, and energy spent in an effort to meet the needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. In that regard, Is There Anybody Who Can Teach Me How to Read? Practical Strategies for Dramatically Improving Student Learning has three focal points: introduce teaching techniques to be used for addressing cultural conflicts that serve as obstacles to keep teachers from reaching their goal of dramatically improving student learning; provide practical strategies and considerations for improving the learning of students from diverse backgrounds; and address the topic of increased parental involvement through the use of non-traditional approaches. There is a level of satisfaction and motivation that an individual feels as a result of experiencing success. You can certainly relate to this type of feeling, when you think about the child who is scared to jump off of the side of a pool into the arms of a trusted adult, who is waiting to receive him. In many instances, the child will want to make sure that when they take the leap into the pool, someone is actually going to be there to catch them. There is a sense of security that comes as a result of the child following through with their desire, taking the leap, and experiencing success in doing so. The same factor holds true for teachers. The more that they experience success in terms of improving student learning, the more confident they become in their ability to make the type of difference that will lead to sustainable and measurable results. In other words, success breeds success. If teachers are making gains and feeling positive about their interactions with students, they are likely to put forth effort and maintain the commitment needed to ensure that students achieve socially and academically. Studies have found a positive relationship between a teacher s sense of self-efficacy and students classroom achievement. In that regard, teachers who believe they can make a difference do make a difference. In an effort to increase the likelihood that teachers are confident enough to take a leap on behalf of their students, it is critical that safety nets are established for them. The term safety net is used to describe institutional priorities designed to outline expectations and policies needed to ensure that school officials support teachers in reaching the goal of dramatically improving student learning. In that regard, this cutting-edge book is designed to not only to provide a framework for discussion and thoughtful reflection on the matter of learning by students from diverse cultural backgrounds, but also to offer a series of proven strategies for fostering academic development.