Dynamic Parks and Recreation Day Camp Programming…”Camp Recreation”

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Peanut Henderson
110 minutes
Dynamic Parks and Recreation Day Camp Programming…"Camp Recreation" provides an overview of the key factors involved in a successful parks and recreation day camp. The DVD features materials and techniques that camps can use right away to help make sure that their day camp is an awesome experience for camps, the DVD includes several proven examples of activities that can be implemented into an organization`s day camp programming efforts. In that regard, the DVD also details tips on training staff to monitor and manage such activities and programs.

Among the topics covered:
  • Parks and recreation day camp elements
  • Our philosophy
  • Gaga and sproutball
  • Code of conduct
  • Walk the track
  • Lunchtime activities
  • Program tips
  • Special events cookbook
  • Socials
  • Block party
  • Huddle-up
  • Find creative ways to do your game
  • Staff training/schedule