
Anatomy of a Fitness Business

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Vito La Fata
79 minutes
Anatomy of a Fitness Business discusses why the fitness business is really aboutemotion and serving people in the heart. The DVD looks at the key factorsinvolved in the club industry in a new, innovative way, one that enables clubs toconnect with the people they serve. The DVD details seven vital organs that makeup the anatomy of a health/fitness club business. Each organ is addressed andexplained in an applicable way to the club business. The DVD also highlights why itis essential for clubs to reflect on not only the degree to which they achieve theirunderlying goals over the course of the day, but also on their very way of life.

Among the topics covered:

• The trainer's dilemma
• The vital organs
• The heart
• The brain
• The lungs
• The muscles
• The ears
• The eyes
• The DNA