A Brand is More Than a Logo: It`s a Promise Fulfilled details the need for cluboperators to establish a unique and compelling brand promise if they want to gaina competitive advantage in the marketplace. The DVD begins with a discussionconcerning a club`s value proposition and how important it is to have a uniquelydifferentiated value proposition in the current competitive club landscape. The DVDalso explains what it takes to move from a value proposition to a brand promiseand what the essential components of brand promise are. The DVD concludes withinsights on how club operators can bring their brand promise to life on a daily basis.
Among the topics covered:
Among the topics covered:
- A brand`s value proposition
- The importance of a brand`s value proposition
- Differentiating your brand
- Establishing a unique value proposition
- The brand promise
- Brand architecture
- How to change your value proposition
- The importance of storytellers
- Tenants of a brand promise