A Non-Shoulder Approach to the Shoulder Exam

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Now: $27.50
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W. Ben Kibler
74 minutes
A Non-Shoulder Approach to the Shoulder Exam provides an overview of a kinetic-chain approach to the evaluation of the injured shoulder. The DVD explains why it is necessary for physicians to understand what constitutes a healthy shoulder in order to restore functionality to the injured shoulder of their patients. The DVD also explores the critical need for physicians to obtain the history of the patient's injury before they ever touch the patient. In addition, the DVD reviews the key factors involved in the kinetic chain from the foot to the hand, and details some of the method that can be used to screen the trunk. The DVD also features a hands-on demonstration of conducting a physical exam of the shoulder.

Among the topics covered:

• Ask the right questions
• History is the key
• Physical exam
• Kinetic chain
• Screening for the trunk
• Scapula exam